Friday, 12 October 2012


Part 1- Terminology Glossary 

Audience- The people in which the magazine is aimed at.

Target audience- Specific people who the magazine is aimed towards, for example 'LOOK' magazine is aimed at young women who are interested in fashion.

Coverline- Simple outline of article features that will appear inside magazine. 

Masthead- The name or title of magazine, commonly at the top of the cover.

Composition- The placement of things on the magazine cover frame.

Strapline- Another word used for the Subheading on a magazine or newspaper. 

Date line- A phrase at the beginning of a magazine article that gives the date and place of its origin.

Representation- How something or someone is presented and shown in the media.

Image- One main image of artist that covers the whole front page, this is used to catch the attention of the target audience. 

Puff/plug- Is aimed to draw people in, it is text usually in a box or bubble used to make cover line stand out.

Connotation- Images, colour or words that imply or suggest something.  

Genre- The type of a piece of media. For example there is many film genres such as horror and romance. 

Mise-en-scene- Every element included in the space, for example colour.

Left Third- The left side of a magazine cove, where most of the coverlines can be found. This is done so  it can be seen on a shelf. 

Barcode- Allows shop who are selling the magazine to easily scan it for the costumer to buy.

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